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*~Onna76~* said:

Which HDMI cable is the best by the way? I hear about Profigold and Monstercable, but Monstercables are ridiculously expensive, or are the Sony HDMI cables good as well?

I've decided to buy a step down converter, cost me over 60USD, but I know the brand, have used it always for the PS2, but that one is too light for the PS3 to use it. Better not take any risks plugging the PS3 in the powersocket no matter if the store says it will work. If the PS3 says 100Volt only then I guess you shouldn't mess with any other voltages.

The monster looks pretty damn sexy on my cupboard if I may say so :D

HDMI is a digital signal, so it really doesn't matter what kind of cable you get. It doesn't matter much for analog either, but it matters even less for digital.  Buy the cheapest HDMI cable you can find.