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mancandy said:
The point is that he has to mention the 360 and PS3 on a lot of his reviews. Everyone knows that Wii's graphics will never be on the level of the 360 or the PS3. So why the name dropping? Does he say this every damn time he reviews a Wii game? Does he always mention the PSP whenever he reviews a DS game? It's stupid.

Ergonomics is for women. Do you lift the pink weights at the gym or something? "This hundred pound weight doesn't feel comfortable in my hands" Just kidding :)

Seriously, no matter how far people have come along with ergonomic design... it's going to hurt if you do something for too long. I've played every controller out there for many hours... they all hurt after 5+ straight hours. Oh, I have no trouble reaching all the buttons on the Wii controller with my man hands. You must be playing the Wii with a lot of girls or little kids  

I agree about bringing up the 360 or PS3... There's no reason for it. Judge the Wii on its own merits.

As for ergonomics, I can use the 360 controller indefinitely completely pain-free. I'm not saying the Wiimote is terrible, just that Nintendo could have done more with the design. It seems compromised to me. The decision to use it as both a pointer and an NES-style controller makes it flawed for both uses instead of transitioning between them seamlessly.

Then again, I hate pretty much everything and get accused of being super-critical on a daily basis. I can't think of a controller I have ever used that I couldn't find something to bitch about. The PS3's left analog is still in a stupid place (after ten years, I had hoped Sony would finally realize that), the 360's d-pad was designed by a dyslexic chimp, and the Dreamcast had the most idiotic wrist angle ever seen on a controller. The NES was a brick, the N64 felt like a sexual aide, etc. etc. etc.

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