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So yet still Sony is a badly run company. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt by saying most of this is by trying to get rid of the dog ugly PS3 uglies before the slim was put out. Having said this that the new 12MP phone isnt too hot although it is being advertised heavily on TV here (AND PLEASE NOTE PEOPLE IT SAYS SEQUENCED SHORTENED ON THE AD AND BOY HAVE THEY SHORTENED THEM DONT BE FOOLED!) as a close look Ipod killer (it isnt)
So advertsiing isnt their strongest area somewhere they need to sack all the PR guys they already have and bring some new life in there. I mean lets face it to catch the imagination you get somebody the public seem to love and respect from TV a little like Nintendo have done with Ant & Dec it's a no brainer of a Nintendo Christmas in the UK. If you dont know who they are it doesnt matter they are probably bigger between the women and kids althought lots of guys find them funny too! Sony need more thought into their PR instead of spending millions upon millions on what will be more for the Ads than what revenue they get for their products. It's just so strange why they cant look up the road at that little hut (comapared to the size of the Sony building) that employs just 300 people and say to themselves "how do they do it" although again I give them credit again they do seem to have realized that the world does exists outside the clocking out machine and yonder. Maybe just one day maybe they will but at this rate of results they'll be looking at selling off other parts of the company. No matter how big the company is they can still fall just makes the impact larger. Sony ARE NOT imune!

"...the best way to prepare [to be a programmer] is to write programs, and to study great programs that other people have written. In my case, I went to the garbage cans at the Computer Science Center and fished out listings of their operating system." - Bill Gates (Microsoft Corporation)

"Hey, Steve, just because you broke into Xerox's house before I did and took the TV doesn't mean I can't go in later and take the stereo." - Bill Gates (Microsoft Corporation)

Bill Gates had Mac prototypes to work from, and he was known to be obsessed with trying to make Windows as good as SAND (Steve's Amazing New Device), as a Microsoft exec named it. It was the Mac that Microsoft took for its blueprint on how to make a GUI.


""Windows [n.] - A thirty-two bit extension and GUI shell to a sixteen bit patch to an eight bit operating system originally coded for a four bit microprocessor and sold by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition.""