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MikeB said:
@ RolStoppable

OK, at first I was just responding to the original post.

With regard to controllers, I would love Nintendo and Sony to co-operate. Allowing full Wii-mote support on the PS3 and Sixaxis control on the Wii, technically that would probably be possible (an unofficial Linux driver is already available for the PS3). Both controllers are great in their own right and would allow some of the best of both worlds.

I know it's just wishful thinking though.

 I don't think there is anything the SIXAXIS controller can do the the Wiimote cannot. From what I recall the SIXAXIS was not part of the original boomerang design. It was implemented after E3 to mimick the Wiimote a little. Actually it is closer to the nunchuck imo but doesn't work as well. At least from the stories I've read.