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First off I find it really funny that someone is complaining about graphics for SMG when a few mags I've read say that it is one of the most beautiful games they have ever seen.  Actually, I'm not sure if that means reviewers are getting tired of "OMG GRAPHOX" that have no artistic style, or if maybe all the reviewers obsessed with graphics that are on the bleeding edge of technology have been replaced by real gamers.

"While brisk sales are certain given the Wii’s popularity, the “Mario” franchise may now be vulnerable to a challenger on another console better suited to 3-D running and jumping." HUH? How is ANY current gen console better suited for 3-D running and jumping than another? Heck a graphically super dummed down version of R&CF would play nearly the same on the orriginal PS as it does on the PS3. 

The fact that the review features a comment so lame as "holding the controller in two hand is awkward" is pathetic and should everyone what kind of idiot he is, even considering sponser appeasement.