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@ RolStoppable

If someone doesn't like the Wiimote or the Wii in general, he definitely shouldn't be reviewing Wii games and should let someone else, who is openminded, review the games.

It's also possible to like the Wii-mote, but just not it for just any type of game (similar as with a Joypad vs mouse vs arcade stick). I love the Wii mote a short simple play of Wii Sports and Wii Play, I don't fancy playing games like Grand Theft Auto, Resistance or Ratchet with a Wii-mote.

My mom hates playing simple games like Pacman (Deluxe Pocmon) or Galaga (Warblade) on a keyboard and doesn't fancy gamepads neither, I am getting her this for christmas:

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales