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yushire said:
Anyway I predict this I even make threads about it but comes from Iwata/Nintendo themselves seems it just shocks and depressed me. I still like the Wii and still enjoyed playing it. Seem mocking Nintendo and the Wii at this time was like having fun of someone that have a bad experience lately.

And because my prediction was true about the pricecut didnt help Ninty that much straight from the horse's mouth itself:

"With the price drop, sales returned to a certain level, but they just did not reach the level of last year around this time. We decided that it would be difficult to sell enough to recover from the poor performance of the first half of the year. "

I wont saying much or posts threads and topics about this. Its too sad to be true. I DONT WANT THE GAMING CRASH TO HAPPEN!

We have multiple things in place that weren't in place during the crash of the 1980s, but we are missing arcades this time.  Anyhow, here is what we have:

1. Videogame rental market.  This is akin to movie theaters, and provides a way for people to not get burnt by bad games.

2. Videogames as a part of the culture on part with books, movies and music.  Back then, they were a fridge bubble hobby that wasn't as entrenched.  Games are now becoming made into movies also.

3. Nintendo's business model of licensing games.  Really BAD BAD BAD games don't have a chance to flood the market.  Games may be old and derivative, and boring, but they aren't broken.  I am talking worse than NES Color Dreams level here.  There is some quality control.

4. We have Gamestops and other stores like them, dedicated to videogames only.  We didn't have this in the 1980s.  You start to worry if Gamestop ends up folding up.

5. We have a cable network dedicated to videogames.


We have gone through an economic meltdown and videogames still are relevant, and selling.  They are not fads, or believed they may be fads, they way they were in the 1980s.  Contraction and retrenchment may be possible, but not a crash.