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So, if the Wii, with nearly 50% markeshare is considered a "failure", should we then start referring to the 360 as "Laserdisc" and the PS3 as "Betamax"?

Seriously though, they didn't say they failed with the GameCube, but failed with the Wii?

Sure, they screwed up when they started thinking that people wanted Animal Crossing and Wii Music for the 2008 holiday season, and haven't done a good job at keeping quality assurance in many of the shovelware games.

Yet, at the rate of success, past and ongoing, to say they have failed, what then IS success? 75% marketshare?

As for their games pushing the next big thing, last I saw, Sony and MS were scrambling to get motion controls added in. If that's not leading the pack into a whole new direction of gaming, what is?

This industry is turning awfully emo.