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Bobbuffalo said:
CGI-Quality said:
Bobbuffalo said:
tehsage said:
Bobbuffalo said:
NES - 4?!

That just means 2 things:

1-the majority of users may be so young that they think that gaming started with the Playstation

2.-Videogamers became ungrateful and forgot their roots.

Both are sad and dissapointing.

Thanks to the NES we have gaming as we know it.
Thanks to the NES console gaming didn't died.
Thanks to the NES we had the Gameboy
Thanks to the SNES Nintendo made their trilogy of errors (VB, N64, GC)
Thanks to the SNES games became "hardcore"

*shakes head*

lololol Because the N64 and GCN were errors.

Oh I am sorry but were those consoles succesful?!

As a matter of fact, yes! Remember, Nintendo made money from those, even if they lost in marketshare. The point of entering this industry is to have your goods sell and to make money in return. Even when Nintendo was losing, they were winning. And many fans feel that the N64 was arguably Nintendo's best console.They are able to mop the floor with Sony and Microsoft this gen because of continuing to make money and keep on chugging, thanks to the efforts of both the Gamecube and Nintendo 64 (which btw, still has THE MOST CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED GAME EVER under it's belt).

They had profit but lost credibilty, marketshare and position. They have losing customers with each console.

how on earth is succesful? yes they made profit but lost customers. That cannot be succesful AT ALL.

They recovered customers with the wii because they imitate the NES.

So now your saying the Wii immitates the NES. If so how can you argue that all Wii fans are non-gamers? If the Wii is really an emulation of what you call the best system to date then can it possibly loose by that much if it looses at all.  You just owned yourself!

P.S- I was born in 88 and remember playing MarioBros on my 2600. This was the earliest generation Nintendo was involved in. Yet I prefer GameCube. Why? because sure the NES revolutionalized the industry. But I have far more GameCube games then I have any prior generation. In total I prefer those games on the cube to the NES origionals. Sure Nostalgia means I downloaded every classic Mario, Donkey Kong , Zelda , StarFox on the VC, but that doesn't change my opinion that as a stand alone console the GameCube was my favorite!

Its not about hardware its about games.


Lost credibility - No actually I'd say they gained credibility. Consumers that chose to stick with Nintendo really became more and more devoted and die hard. Nintendo didn't produce software to make money anymore they released games for games sake. I remember everyone insulting WindWaker and Nintendo went through and released it and it ended up getting a cult following.  Nintendo gained credibility in the software industry and remained known as the number one software publisher!

Can loosing consumers be considered successful, of course it can. Look at the PS2 is it successful for Sony? Many will argue no it wasn't. Why because Sony lost its first party sales margins to third parties. Today the PlayStation brand and Sony's own first party lineups have been weakened by the PS2's success. Without the third party support that made PS2 a success PS3 can't possibly succeed. On the flipside Nintendo remained loyal to its die hard fans and didn't give an inch to third parties. This built the Nintendo brand stronger then ever and Nintendo carved out a niche for itself.  Now with the BlueOcean Strategy Nintendo has made the jump to casual gamers, yes that alienates some of the niche market they carved out but they remain a strong brand because of it.

No matter how you look at it Nintendo has maintained a strong position as the number one games publisher in the world. Sure they are a hardware manufacturer but they are a software publisher first and maintaining that marketshare dominance over software on its platform and on any other platform and in the end I don't think Nintendo cared much about whether or not the hardware succeeded. its all about the software attach rate and out of those 6-7 games bought per console I bet 5 of those games were bought from Nintendo themselves. Which yes is a major success!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer