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It's a sad condition but it does happen. They attribute it to bad genetics but I just consider it Sh*t luck.

I'm glad to say I'm not in the same condition I'm 22 and my hairs still very thick and healthy(I get compliments on it every time I get it cut.) I wish you the best of luck in finding a method to keep your hair/grow new hair.

I should note my sister had a hair loss problem when she was 16 but a trip to a specialist found the problem and cured it. It was partly stress partly an allergy to her shampoo. Maybe you should look into this.

I mean... they stuck needles into her scalp which doesn't sound like much fun to me, but her hair is very healthy 5 years later. If it makes you feel any better my friends stepfather was totally bald by 19.. meaning he started balding at 16-17 probably.. I think it has too suck, now watch me wake up tomorrow and find all my hair fell out. Actually my family does well with hair, my father was 45 before he started getting gray he's 57 and still has most of his hair(though he's getting the salt and pepper look) all my uncles (except my mothers brother) have all their hair even at 72 being the oldest.