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I hope KH3 will be on PS3, because I just don't like the WiiMote. I like it for some games, but when I look at my gaming preference - if i don't have to use it, I don't use it - like when I play SSBBrawl or Fire Emblem, which are my favourite Wii games, it's clear I use it rarely.

Another reason would be that I am just a huge Sony supporter since last gen, hell I even promote the damn thing to my Friends who all only use a PC for gaming. If Sony gave me a €uro for every time I promoted their Console I would have some 1000 € more in my hands... which I would spend on Sony products anyway :P *fanboyism off*

Hmm... I never played FF III and do not really remember anything of FF IV, but except for FF I liked all of the Classic Final Fantasy Games.

I like the music of the Classics most - and FFXs music