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Smashchu2 said:
Are people really upset about this. I think it's pretty cool actually.

Did you watch the trailer?

Excite Bike doesn't look worth a dime. From the appearance it is just Excite Bike NES with a graphical upgrade and a level editor. Honestly from watching the trailer I can't actually see what you could do with editor? Just add jumps and hills thats about it. I could care less about Excite Bike, I was expecting to see something a little bigger.

That being said if it sells well maybe we will see a disk Excite Bike hit store shelves with Nintendo's next platform. I'd love to see a 3D Excite Bike with controls similiar to biking on MarioKartWii. I would buy that in a second. But this is just a 3D port and I really have no interest in purchasing it!


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