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CGI-Quality said:
Bobbuffalo said:
CGI-Quality said:
Bobbuffalo said:
tehsage said:
Bobbuffalo said:
NES - 4?!

That just means 2 things:

1-the majority of users may be so young that they think that gaming started with the Playstation

2.-Videogamers became ungrateful and forgot their roots.

Both are sad and dissapointing.

Thanks to the NES we have gaming as we know it.
Thanks to the NES console gaming didn't died.
Thanks to the NES we had the Gameboy
Thanks to the SNES Nintendo made their trilogy of errors (VB, N64, GC)
Thanks to the SNES games became "hardcore"

*shakes head*

lololol Because the N64 and GCN were errors.


Oh I am sorry but were those consoles succesful?!


As a matter of fact, yes! Remember, Nintendo made money from those, even if they lost in marketshare. The point of entering this industry is to have your goods sell and to make money in return. Even when Nintendo was losing, they were winning. And many fans feel that the N64 was arguably Nintendo's best console.They are able to mop the floor with Sony and Microsoft this gen because of continuing to make money and keep on chugging, thanks to the efforts of both the Gamecube and Nintendo 64 (which btw, still has THE MOST CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED GAME EVER under it's belt).


They had profit but lost credibilty, marketshare and position. They have losing customers with each console.


how on earth is succesful? yes they made profit but lost customers. That cannot be succesful AT ALL.

Where did they find the means to create the fastest selling console known to man, by being "unsuccessful"? You confuse me, I don't know if you're for Nintendo, or against them. I DO know, however, that the behavior you seem so against, you display.

Don't twist stuff, I am not against Nintendo. I am against gamers that like to act fool and pretend things never happened. I liked the SNES yes but just because it has cute graphics doesn't make it better. Is more impòrtant what it did for gaming in general that what a bunch of fans like or not. They always talk about the SNES era like the golden days of gaming while it was actually the contrary. With the SNES, Nintendo losted like the half of their customer base and for what? because he got in a power fight with sega?

Yes they have managed to survive and I admire that. But let's face reality: Nintendo's real golden years were the NES for the reasons I said.The SNES no matter what cute games had it was a licky strike of success. But they started with it to steer away from customers and created big huge powerful consoles that failed to make an impression.

They receovered their sanity with the Wii because they imitate the NES.

Even a blind can see that.