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@ bdbdbd

With that logic it doesn't make any sense to release games to any other platform than PS2 or DS. Anyway, also Capcom needs at some point of time jump to current gen, with other than old ports and completely new IP:s. Since MH is basically Japan only game, there's no sense to release it to other current gen platform (also outside Japan Wii is soon going to be the most sold console).
Also, if you look towards future, and assume MH3 to have legs (selling some copies a week for couple of years), Wii makes more sense than soon to be dead PS2.

The PS2 IMO enjoys somewhat a special position this generation, the platform is still "current gen", just cheaper together with a much wider install base than all the other sold home consoles combined.

Surely a platform which outsold all others last christmas and is still selling well is still worthy of software support?

Financially it would make great sense to release a PS2 version. Capcom's reasoning for not making a PS3 version was that a more advanced version of the game would have costed them too much. Well, a PS2 game engine to further build on already exists. What would be a cheaper approach than that?

I guess there are two very plausible scenarios with regard to this game. One being that Nintendo paid Capcom millions to make the game a Wii exclusive, or Capcom is secretly developing the PS2 game together with the Wii version, then first release the Wii version in the hope of sparking raving reviews (for example due to how great a Wii game can look, still unlikely to beat Mario Galaxy or God of War 2 I believe) and then later release the PS2 version which could be pretty much on par and thus reviewers having to give that version good scores as well.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales