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vlad321 you might very well have seen used copies of uncharted 2 out but not for much less than a new copy and places will continue to have most their sales be new copies and not used. You know why? There are more people interested in the game than there are used copies. Don't believe me go ask them at gamestop and see how many used copies of the game they have sold compaired to new ones.
Uncharted 2 is new but not brand new anymore. The day it came out how man used copies do you think there were? Wold wide maybe a few thousand and that would be if all those who got it before street date decided to sell it. A year from now the game will be selling for less but the used price will most likely go down before the new price. As I said before the used market helps the developer know how much people are willing to pay for the game and they can respond. Piracy gives them no such information. 10 million copies of Halo 3 didn't sell new for $60 the price went down over time as did the price of the used ones 10 million could play a pirated game no matter how many sold to begin with. 10 million used copies would take many years as the game goes from person to person.

Vlad you miss that when you buy the game on a disc you buy the right to use the game. Sell the disc sell your right to it. If it's a pc game and you install it but don't delete it when you sell it. That's like pirating the game but separate from selling it used.

Like zen brought up middle men are important parts of society. As is being able to buy used. Not everyone can afford something new. Not everyone want's to buy something forever. Selling it used someone gets it for cheaper and someone can turn the money they get back into something new. Used games help keep money circulating instead of everyone just acquiring all sorts of stuff much of which we no longer want.

Your idea that it only costs cents to make a game is far off even when you take out the development cost (which you shouldn't) the materials and energy would make the cost in the low dollar amounts not the cents. If cost were what you say how would it be moral for them to charge that much?