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Bodhesatva, I am sorry to inform you that you are sadly mistaken. It is only the fault of the store. Not DHL and defiantly not the customer. It's simple. Please the customer. Do not piss the customer off. That is what retail is all about. Unfortunately for Superchuck, others, and myself TRU dropped the ball. As a retailer you never, ever make a promise that you cannot keep to a customer. The sole reason that TRU ran the add was to drive foot traffic into their store. I don't usually shop at TRU and this is the only reason that they got me into the store today. Unfortunately for them, they went about bringing in customers the wrong way. They should have had ample supply of the game or they should have told the truth from the start. They did neither.

Today, instead of growing a customer in myself they (TRU) have reassured me that there is a very good reason I do not shop at TRU and I will make it a point to refrain from recommending them as a decent retailer.

I don't know what your background is but if you get the chance you should take a peek into business, logistics and especially, MARKETING.