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ironman said:
Icyedge said:
ironman said:


@ Euphoria, I am not saying you are wrong in not wating to play to pay, I am just pointing out how shallow that argument about paying for internet so everything that uses the internet should be free. Netflix was just one example. what about other movie streaming sites that offer an online service that you have to pay for...are they ripping you off because you have to pay them to use your internet? What about porn sites? You do realize there are free alternatives to those as well, and yet, I never hear anybody bitching about paying for any of that.

@Greyian, there are free altrenatives like XBC so your argument is moot.


Sorry but online multiplayer doesnt take a special network, it only takes internet. So once your paying for internet you should in fact be good to play online multiplayer (im not talking about playstation store or xbl store). Euphoria has a good logic behind is argument since he was specifically talking of online multiplayer. There is no excuse for a company to act like that, if they wanna charge for online multiplayer they should host the game on their server, if not then leave the online multiplayer separate from xbl or psn.

Ah, so when you log into your Xbox, it just magically finds people to play with online? No, EVERY P2P service needs servers to match people together XBC a FREE service that allows you to LAN "fools" you xbox into thinking it's LANed with other people uses a server, you are paying for those servers in the case of XBL, that and extra features. by you logic, since I am paying for internet, I should be good for watching streamed video and porn from pay sites, free online. god, at least have consistancy. I have no problem with you not wanting to pay to play, I do have a problem with your argument because it's flawed, and so was Euphoria's.

Ouf man, you didnt read what I was saying it seems, your the flawest person here, I will not bother talking with you anymore since its not possible to have a good discussion with someone soooo stubborn. Think about someting tho: we can sill play free online multiplayer on dreamcast  :P. Wow I guess sega is loosing a lot of cash to support servers right ?


And between since the only thing you wanted was to argue with someone I guess you missed the part where I was saying that I would agree to pay a bit for access to store, demo and stuff.