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ZenfoldorVGI said:

....if I'm wrong stop me..... an effort to refute something that no one has ever denied to me, but you...did you go to gamerankings and sort games by PC and 2009. There were no 90+ exclusives... So, you went in and manually reduced the minimum review criteria for his search from the default 5 to 1. then told me that the PC a has 6 AAA exclusive games this year....

The problem? 5/6 of those games have 1 review. The other game has 2 reviews...

Then, instead of comparing those flagrantly spun and cherrypicked numbers to console gaming, you compared them to a single console with only two exclusives so far this year.


Tell me I just don't know how to use gamerankings, lol?

Can you please respond to this? Let me know if I messed up, cause I'm not sure if those are the games you're talking about? Samantha Swift and the Golden Touch, ect?

So what if they have only 1 or 2 reviews, does it make them not AAA because of so low reviews? If Forza 3 had only a couple of reviews, most people would probably still hail it as an AAA exclsuive. Sure, it makes it less believable that a game with so little reviews is AAA material, but don't say that it's a crap game just because it has little reviews, or are you calling Civilization IV: Complete Edition crap?

2 of the 3 exclusive titles from X360 that have an average of +90% in 2009 have also only a couple of reviews each. Forza 3 is the only game that has a fair amount of reviews.

Anyway, with the awful state of videogame journalism, I doubt anything can be taken seriously, in terms of reviews.

Hell, even Forza 3 can't be taken seriously, when it hasn't even come out, and it's reviews released so far were only done so because they scored 90 or above.