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ZenfoldorVGI said:
On a tangent here, it's no secret that the PC has been falling behind in exclusive AAA content lately. That's because there really is no first party. In spirit it would be Blizzard, but with RTS and MMO they are basically stuck on PC until Mouse and Keyboard support hit the console, and also they make about 2 games a generation. :P

According to gamerankings, for 2009, +90% Exclusive games on X360: 2. +90% Exclusive games on PC: 6.

ZenfoldorVGI said:

My point?

Well, SP focused games like Uncharted 2 are well received on consoles. People still love them there. With the PC gamers different gaming tastes, can a game like Uncharted 2 or MW2 survive on great SP campaigns alone?

Or, are console gamers simply willing to spend more money for less "value."

Stalker sold over 2 millions, even though it had barely any marketing outside eastern europe. While it's true that piracy hurts single-player games much more than MP games, but if you make a good game, it will sell.

ZenfoldorVGI said:

My opinion, is that I'm not really into grinding in online shooters. I'm a much bigger fan of unique scripted experiences. For instance, MW2s MP isn't gonna be that different of an experience from Counterstrike, online. Just a few rule changes, better graphics, and a few gaming innovations. Basically, it's just you dicking around on the same game with your friends, that you did 10 years ago. Is this experience required to be spread out over every online shooter? Would PC gamers pay for just the SP?

Console gamers certainly would.

MW2 not different than CS?! Both are so different, like night and day. This just shows that you know so little about the multiplayer experience.

Anyway, at this rate MW2 will just be a crappy version of COD4 (and I didn't thought much of COD4), no dedicated servers, no mods, no communities, more lag, more cheaters, etc...

ZenfoldorVGI said:

It's ironic though...that most PC gamers(like myself) have spent well over 1000 dollars on their gaming rigs. I've setting right around 2k right now, for mine. However, it seems they are much more frugal when it comes to SP games and their value. How come a console gamer will pay 60 bucks for a nice 10 hour game, but a PC gamer has to have a million hours of multiplayer to make it worth 40 bucks?

There pretty much aren't any desktop PCs over $1000 anymore, except in places like Alienware, and very rarely in the common stores. Today you can now build a $400 PC that will run games much better than console games, and this says something.

PC gamers are used to pay for a certain standard in their games, while console gamer's standards are lower. It's just that.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
My favorite PC exclusive over the last few years has definitely been The Witcher. It wasn't a AAA game, by any means, but it was a very fun game, and I had a great time with it. It was SP, I'm not sure it had MP. Was it worth the money, without an online element, to most PC gamers? Is that why it probably didn't get the sales it deserves? Is that MP element a main reason developers are afraid to put high budget SP games exclusively on PC?

What's with this AAA crap?! Stop using that. The Witcher was both critically and financially successful,  it won more awards than any other 2007 RPG.

Mass Effect:
- Bigger budget
- Spent alot of money on marketing.
+ Sold 2.08 million

The Witcher:
- Sold 1.2 million (as of March 6th, 2009)
+ Lower budget
+ Spent little on marketing
+ Higher profit margin per copy, on PC.
+ There's also still 7 months of sales unaccountable in that 1.2m sales figure.

Which do you think was more successful?

By the way, The Witcher 2 is coming out next year, and exclusive to PC.