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IGN reviews indicate slow load time for Tekken 6 as one of its flaws. I attribute this to lack of optimization that it would have had if the game had been PS3 exclusive. Honestly I don't even know why Microsoft bothers with fighting game franchises, their controller sucks for it anyway and all their fans would rather play FPS than to duke it out in fighting games using their horrible d-pad. I wonder how much they paid Namco to wait till the X360 version is ready before releasing the PS3 version. Must have been a shit load of cash, expected profit over period of hold up time + development cost + extra fees to convince the executives. Microsoft would have been better served by funding startup game developers than by paying off established gaming firms to secure it on their platform. Sure, they think they're pulling one over the competition but the customers get screwed with each of their damn shenanigans. Fuck, I hate Microsoft for screwing everyone over just so they can "Win".