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This is not going to affect the sales of MW2 even a little bit. I used to play FPS games exclusively on the PC, including CoD 4, but I now play mostly on Xbox 360 because I have more friends that play there now. Xbox Live is just so good for getting together with friends to play together that I don't mind the fact that the FPS games are not quite as good as the PC versions because of controls and dedicated servers. Also, I am an achievement whore and work hard getting as many as possible. I finally have my achievement completion percentage above 50% and am pretty happy.

The PC sales for certain games like this are going to be an afterthought at this point. The fact that there is only 1 version of the game for PC, but 3 for the consoles shows that Activision is not nearly as worried about PC sales anymore. They have seen the huge disparity between the sales for CoD 4 and CoD 5 between consoles and PC and know where they need to put most of their focus. The significance of PC sales is just not what it used to be because consoles have come a long way with features where PC doesn't have as big an advantage like it used to. Over time the advantage will just get smaller as more and more features are added to the consoles.

I don't think it is a good idea to remove dedicated servers, but I can see why they want to do it and as an original old school PC gamer going back to the Oregon Trail days I wouldn't be too mad at them because I still want this game more than any other for a very long time. This game is going to outsell just about every game this generation with the exception of the crappy Wii pack in games like Wii Sports and Wii Play...

"If you don't like me, bite me!"