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Zen that entire statement would have made sense if it weren't utter nonsense.

Clearly PC gaming is changing in exactly the opposite direction. What's selling well in PC gaming right now are games the USER can control. For example, Left 4 Dead, the original Call of Duty 4, Fallout 3.

These games don't sell as well as they did on consoles, but they also cost less to make, and have a higher profit margin thanks to much smaller retail cuts from things like Steam. What's NOT selling well are the things that force heavy control (Anything with heavy DRM and no dedicated servers for example).

You say CoD4 was one of the most pirated games, but it was also one of the best selling. Any number of literally dozens of studies can tell you that piracy has almost zero effect on potential sales, and the games will sell what they sell regardless of its presence.

Go elsewhere, and discuss things you understand with other console only gamers. You are way out of your realm of knowledge here. It's silly to discuss this with you. It's like having a blind man tell you what color you should paint your house.