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So yesterday I called my closest TRU to get the info on the Galaxy deal.

 phone rings....

Girl: ..blahblah...thank you...blah toys r us...blah help you.

me: Can I have video games please.

Girl: Are you just needing to check stock on something.

me:  Well, I noticed your deal of SMG and wanted to know more info, like, stock leves and blah blah.

Girl: It starts tomorrow and I have been getting calls all day about it. You probably want to get here early.

me: wow, all day. So, are you receiving a sizable quantity or should I be there at open.

Girl: Definitely at open. It has been pretty much every call.

me: ok great. thanks. Oh btw, will you have any Wii's. I may pick up a 2nd for a gift.

Girl: let me check [sets down phone].......lalalalladdooododdadada.....[picks up phone] no, we won't have any.

me: ok thanks. 


I have enjoyable evening at home planning on dropping kids off at grandma's early so I can be at the store at least 1hr before open. Next day I get there 45mins before they open and no one is waiting. I think cool, no line. About 10 mins till open only a handfull of people there and of them maybe 5 including me for SMG. I'm like wow, so where are all the people calling yesterday?

They open I go to game section, first, and the kid there says to all 5 of us "If your here for Galaxy, our shipment has not arrived yet". W..T..F.

me: Are you serious, you don't have stock of your advertised one day sale?

kid: yes sorry, dhl hasn't delivered yet. It usually arrives between now and 2pm.

I head to customer service, and decide to talk to manager since I now must go to work and will not be able to be back until the evening at which time I may miss out on the deal.

me: hi, i called yesterday [see above] and your operator said that you would have some and due to demand I should definitely arrive at open. I'm here and you have no stock. Why would you tell people to show up knowing you might not have the stock?

manager: sorry dhl hasn't delivered. I can't control dhl delivery times.

me: I would a raincheck or some other form of garauntee that when I show up after work I can get a copy.

manager: sorry I can't do that the ad says that we have until 5pm to have it in stock.

me: can you show me the ad. 

manager: look see "by 5pm".

me: So why would you tell people to come at open.

manager: i apologize, there is nothing I can do. You will have to check back later.

me: you can't even take my name/phone to let me know when it arrives?

manager: no sorry. 

me: [in my head] you fat fucker (he was unkept and largely overweight, didn't even look like a manager). learn how to fucking run a retail store. don't let your minimum wage workers tell bullshit over the phone unless it is fucking garaunteed to happen!!![out my mouth] thanks. bye.


Seriously, I worked retail. You don't tell people something unless you are 100% it will happen. That was such bullshit. Now, I have to call throughout the day to see if they have stock and either take and extended lunch to ensure I can take advantage of the deal or hope that they still have stock at like 6pm.