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OK ok I finally came up with mine.

The winners:

Coming home from school to find my dad hooking up a Super Nintendo with Super Mario world, and then my brain immediately exploding as I discovered "Holy ass he can ride a dinosaur that eats everything and lays eggs!"

Being the only kid at my high school that could unlock the Invincibility cheat on GoldenEye, so everybody would loan me their cartridge and pay me (in money, food, and M-80s) to unlock it for them.  I was on top of the world.


Close runners-up (all tied I guess):

(Worded carefully to avoid spoilers for losers who haven't played this yet:) When the "shit went down" after I beat the Atma Weapon on the Floating Continent in Final Fantasy 6.

Beating Mike Tyson in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! for the first time.  I immediately popped in regular Punch-Out!! (yes I have one of each) and beat that game too to make sure they were exactly the same.  Even though he looks different, it's the exact same fighting pattern.  And what's even funnier is that when you see his picture before you fight, they left in the old Tyson picture and just painted it white.  So I beat both Punch-Out!! games in a row and it was amazing.

Beating NES Tetris on B-mode level 9-5 for the first time to see all the Nintendo characters jamming out together.

Beating Link's Awakening.  Possibly my favorite plot in any game I've ever played.

The first five minutes with Katamari Damacy!  I can still hear the music.

Favorite Companies: Nintendo, Blizzard, Valve.
Recent New Favorites: Grasshopper, Atlus. (R.I.P. Clover.)
Heroes/Homies: Shigeru Miyamoto, Gunpei Yokoi, Will Wright, Eric Chahi, Suda51, Brian Eno, David Bowie.
Haiku Group: Haiku Hell.
Nemeses: Snesboy, fkusumot. 
GameDaily Article that Interviewed Me: Console Defense Forces.