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Johann said:

The games are more expensive here because of importing taxes, mostly.
The price does goes down. When the game is 2 or 3 years old, the price does become slightly affordable, but still ridiculously expensive and way too much for a game.

I don't expect you to understand. You own all the 3 major consoles and the DS so I'm guessing you're not exactly living on food stamps. It's easy saying that you could do without this stuff when you never had to do it yourself.

PS.: I apologize if that last part offends you, but it's just how I feel. Please don't ban me

It's a little offensive that you think I'm just given everything like some spoiled teenager but I wouldn't ban you for something like that.

I had a lengthy response typed up but rather than go completely off topic, I'll just say I happen to work pretty hard for everything I have, I'm not ungrateful for it, and I've gone through periods where I can't afford shit and have had to miss out.