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1) I pointed out that your question was not worth answering. Your money is never going to be worth the same as other peoples, so why complain about it? Besides, someone pirating games means that they get more for their money, but it doesn't mean you get less for yours.

2) If in the long run you are finding yourself in financial difficulty more often than you are finding yourself with excess money, then you are spending too much. Cut back on something.

3) indeed I did. If there are 2 games I want in January I can buy 1 and then finish it and be bored for half a mont, and buy the next in Febuary. But then I have to buy the 2 games I wanted from Febuary's release schedule in march and April, then I buy March's games in May and June, Aprils in July August etc. Doesn't sound great.

4) I've covered this so many times. Obviously, if the person actually doesn't still buy as many games as they otherwise would have then it is harming someone. But many people don't, because they have morals

As for your advice to Johann - that is not how the economy works. If everyone stops buying games for a while, the price of games rises. If people stop buying from retailers, then the retailers lay off employees, who then don't buy stuff and then that means other employees need to be fired. The actual way to get the price of games reduced requires vast government investment in local export businesses, then careful balancing of imports and exports, as well as long term political stability and shrewd managing of the economy by the government in order to increase the value of the currency.