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twesterm said:
scottie said:
So seecee

You recognise that pirating can be done in such a way that does not harm anyone, and yet you still oppose it purely because it's not right. Whilst I have to admire your stance, it seems a bit pointless

twesterm, you're just being silly now "actively trying to destroy the industry." Think about that. Why would a pirate want the industry to collapse? Even if you are going to attempt to claim that piracy will/could destroy the industry, don't for a second claim that that is the aim of pirates.

What else would they be doing by stealing games?  They know they're stealing so they know they're destroying everything people have put years of blood, sweat, and tears into because they can't be bothered to pay for it.

Just read the article I linked to above-- pirates try all sorts of things to lie themselves why they're stealing games but in the end they are just cheap, greedy, selfish little fucks.

Of course you'd say that. You can afford games. Maybe if money was any kind of problem to you you'd at least try to see things differently.

I looked up the minimum wage in the United States. It is 7,25 dollars an hour. If you work 8 hours a day, that's about 1200 USD a month. That's about 2000 reais. Minimum wage here is 465 reias. That's about 224 dollars. Per month. I don't even wanna calculate how much that is per hour.

So yeah, maybe if you were making 224 dollars a month you'd not be so be so eager to cough up 50 or 60 bucks on a game. And you'd never find a game for 50 or 60 bucks here. Retail price of most games here is about 220 reais (about 130 USD).

A game costs about 4% of the minimum wage in the USA. It's about 50% here. If games costed 4% of the minimum wage here, they would cost about 20 reais. If games costed that much here, people would gladly pay for it. I know this because that's for how much pirates usually sell their games here.

Would you buy a game for 600 dollars? Would anyone?


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Qual é, Dadinho...?

Dadinho é o caralho! Meu nome agora é Zé Pequeno!