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twesterm said:
ChichiriMuyo said:
twesterm said:
scottie said:

Pirating - this is the only tricky one. If you usually buy 1 game every 2 months, and then decide that you will buy 1 every 2 months and pirate 1 every 2 months then who loses??

...the developer, rental store, second shop, ect still loses.  You still obviously have a want for that game and you're getting something for nothing even if it's above what you normally get.  There's nothing tricky about it.

You can't lose nothing.  They weren't going to get money in the first place, and they still didn't get money.  It doesn't change anything.

You missed the two points:

  1. You get something for nothing-- why should you be special?
  2. If you pirate it, you obviously have some sort of want for it.  That means you should either buy at some point down the line it if it's a definite or rent/demo it if you're not sure.

The excuse you're using is just typical pirate excuse that means nothing because they're stealing little snots actively trying to destroy the industry.

Spot on, further more, what's this dumbass excuse? "I wouldn't of bought it anyway"


How is that justification at all!!!

Edit - oops missed my point, if you don't pay for something you're suppose to, you go without. Simple as that.