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Taking asside the legal aspect (as pirating is the only illegal one in the list... and it's morally wrong to do something illegal etc...).


I ask your personal opinion:

Which is moraly worse?



Lending : (doesn't affect PC as much, because of activation codes etc)

_ Developper sees no money after the first sale.


Second hand market (ebay and such): (doesn't affect PC as much, because of activation codes etc)

_ Developper sees no money after the first sale.

_ Customer is willing to spend a fraction of the product's price.


Pirating : (affects consoles less because of the need of mod chips or know how (psp))

_ Developper sees no money.

Renting : (doesn't affect PC as much, because of activation codes etc)

_ Developper sees no money after the first sale (is it a licence to rent?).

_ Customer is willing to spend a fraction of the product's price.

_ An other company makes a profit out of the game.


Second hand shops : (doesn't affect PC as much, because of activation codes etc)

_ Developper sees no money after the first sale.

_ Customer is willing to spend money for the product (here in France it's about 80% of the full price).

_ An other company makes a profit out of the game.



So what do you think is moraly worse? please add reasons if you have

obviously I ranked them as I posted them. (edit: renting having licenses, it should go up in the list)