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Played about 2 and a half hours started with a Siren class character, level 8 now.

The world is looks great, loving the art style, the music is really effecitve when you're in big fights.

But most importantly this game blows Fallout 3's combat completely out of the water it is literally 10 times better than the combat in Fallout 3. Fast paced, constantly running into enemies and bosses are actual bosses they will always put you in dangerous levels of health.

The story and other surrounding details (except the look) might not be there but the basics are fantastic. None of that pause time to get headshots. This is a frantic game.

Let me describe to you the second boss fight and this is completely random you might have a totally different experience. I go in I see this giant Skag creature I use the sniper rifle barely touched him, he comes running at me full speed then he jumps at me and does some weird fire damage stuff and I'm already almost out of health so I run.

I literally kited the boss for like 5 minutes behind me as other enemies were attacking me and me taking shots as i can and throwing grenades and using hte phase walk. I was literally 1 health surviving on shield armor then this pack of annoying flying enemies swoop down and start attacking me at the same time. I'm about to die and I shotgun the bird kill it get second wind then shotgun the boss a few more times and kill it.

I'm usually against boss fights in FPS games, but these guys know how to pull it off. Also the game is verey addicitve and if you like loot you'll love it.

I recommend this game to any shooter or western RPG fan on whatever platform you can play it on. I haven't even tried the co-op yet which is supposed to be this game's best quality. Even fighting the normal creatures and animals is fun that's how good the combat is.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!