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makingmusic476 said:

Also, Twestern has had a deep dislike for the ps3 for quite some time, and this dislike has been prevalent throughout his posting history, yet according to this thread, he never really had any hands on experience with the machine or its games until today. If that doesn't scream "BIAS!" I don't know what does.

I can dislike the taste of cow dung without ever eating it.

I can dislike the a lime green and pink polka dot shirt without ever wearing it.

You don't have to try everything before you announce you dislike it.  Twesterm actually gave it a chance and has found out that it hasn't lived up to his expectations.  This may change in the future, it may not.  He has taken the first step toward trying something new, give him a break.

finalsquall said:

If you going to review a console - then do it objectively not in a manner that pulls down the console.

Idiocy.  If you are going to review anything, it should be an honest review filled with honest opinions.  Whether the reviewed item comes out as a stinking pile of dung or smelling like a rose is irrelevant.

Also, anyone claiming objectivity in a review that includes anything other than statistical data and hard evidence is a liar.