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Your second point i wouldn't want in the game, a diving sim would be fine but having to do everything you do in real life would be frustrating and dull, kind of against the relaxing point (I'm guessing you are a diver, which is why you were annoyed)
The first point I am not too bothered about, i know not to touch real fish (unless they are on a plate) but at least it doesn't actually show the divers hand reaching out, it's just a little hand shaped pointer right?

The last point i agree with definately, from the images i have seen it looks rather bland, but then most of the undersea is rather bland unless you are in one of the rare interesting bits. (ie where people dive) It could have been made much more lush and full of life i think...thoug i haven't got the game yet, so i am basing that on the images i have seen.