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finalsquall said:


Man, let someone who hates the Wii and review the Wii and see if they can survive the onslaught of abuse. Face it, on this site it's ok to put down the ps3, but not the Wii. Wii fans are like - oh well be nice it's his opinion. Unfortunately, if it was the Wii getting scrutinized then the Sony fan would be flamed and banned somehow?

If you going to review a console - then do it objectively not in a manner that pulls down the console. Making a review like this means you have to be ready for criticisms. It doesn't mean you have to love the consol, but you can weight the pros and cons. This review was a blatant put down, from someone who is known as a ps3 hater. I read all the post that relate to the ps3 and he is there to criticize.

Man I hate the thought of the Wii and have tried it and I can acknowledge that it has some fine points as does the 360. I prefer the ps3. Overall, this site might as well be known as a Wii site, because that is the one console you can have on a pedestal.

Well first of all this is a complete redirection of the thread. You want to make this about something else so that you can once again avoid the topic. The fact that Montana applauds your push off topic is not exactly comforting.

To answer it briefly: If you or anyone else wants to purchase and post your Wii impressions feel free. But the problem is that you and many others seem to believe that a point by point rebuttal is the same thing as a broad and sweeping bitch fest. Its not, with very few exceptions the responces to twestern have been bitch bitch and bitch some more rather than debate, rebutt, and debate some more. If you can't figure out why the two are treated differently that is not my fault.

And I am glad to see you finished your post off with more moaning about how the PS3 can never get a fair shake and the Wii is treated special here. Actually the Wii has supporters who can actually hold down their end of a debate without descending into a fit of whining and complaining. Notice how that was exactly what I was requesting from people? Notice how I haven't supported a single one of twestern's conclusions because I haven't had the hands on with the console to make a judgement...and notice how with exception of some early short posts and slorgnet's post there has been nothing but bitching from the pro-PS3 side so far.

Yes I can really see how you make your case for yourself...nice job.

Now can we end this mod-supported derail of the thread and is there anyone else who has a thoughtful opinion of the OP, contrasting or corresponding? At this point I would prefer a contrasting viewpoint to add some balance.

PS - Montana your assertion that you were kidding is absolutely bogus. I've really gotten tired of giving you the benefit of the doubt only to be dissapointed and I'm just not willing to do it this time. The context of the thread and the demeanor of your post was far from joking.

Or was this a joke too? "Twesterm rarely posts something constructive, so why the double standard?"

Actually I can tell you precisely what it was, and what many of your posts in this thread and others is classified as. Its called sardonic sarcasm. Look it up. Its not a joke, its a way of being rude and maintaining the ability to claim that you were joking.

To Each Man, Responsibility