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phinch1 said:
Kantor said:
JerCotter7 said:
Kantor said:
d21lewis said:
patapon said:
Kantor said:

Somebody said that some of the most powerful men in history had possessed only a fragment of the stone. But there was no stone! What did they have, a jug of tree sap?

And some others:

If the sap makes you immortal, I can perhaps understand the sap killing you, but why did a single shotgun blast from Lazarevic kill the two guardians?

How did Sully manage to find a remote village in the middle of the Himalayas?



The guys he killed in Uncharted 1 were mercenaries, and they're the lowest class of human, so he didn't mind killing them.

He didn't want to kill the people in the museum because they were just doing their job, they were guards. A little like how Lambert doesn't let you kill Israeli policemen in Pandora Tomorrow. As for throwing the guy off the roof, Harry Flynn's smooth British accent coaxed him into doing it.

EDIT: Another observation: Wasn't Chapter 14 exactly the same as Chapter 1? Why did they need to make you climb the train twice?

I don't think it said they had possessed it. I think he said that it is thought that they possessed only a fragment of the stone.

Same reason their own crossbows take 2 shots. It's a powerful gun.

I'm guessing a mobile telecommunications device of some sort. I think they invented them at some stage. Might be wrong though,

I agree with the train. I didn't see a point in climbing it twice.

1) But there was no stone!

2) And why do the crossbows take two shots? Why can normal guns kill them at all? The definition of "IMMORTAL" is "unkillable".

3) That's a good point, because Drake didn't have a phone with him. Elena and Chloe might. More confusing, though, is how Sully managed to find this village. What would Drake say? "It's in Tibet, and it's a village surrounded by snow and mountains"... According to Wikipedia, there are 800 settlements in Tibet. Most of them would be surrounded by snow and mountains. Did he (speaking fluent Tibetan, of course, like all Americans), stop in every village he saw and ask "Have you seen an American man with a half tuck"? Were Elena, Chloe and Drake waiting for two years while Sully inspected every village in the Himalayas?

Remember the scene when drake is walking into the village and those two boys are playing with a football? I doubt it that football was made in that village so the village must have contact with near by settlements and must be near a main city as it was not far from the train tracks, so it would only have taken a trip along the tracks to the nearest main settlement to find a phone  to contact sully, and when was he speaking fluent tibetan?? maybe elena told him a few basics as she seemed to know its not hard to learn of off others to say a basic "hello, goodbye or thank you" in any language.

We can find plotholes all day (like, wasn't Drake shot in the stomach at one point?  He recovers fast, doesn't he?) but in the end, it's just a video game.  Take it for what it is.