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The last boss fight definitely could have been better. It was exciting to just be in there one on one with him, but the resin shooting went on longer than it had to, and I would have liked the fight to change at some point, and not just be one drawn out idea. Also, that scene where you and Chloe are sliding off a cliff as it collapses was so short that it really made me yearn for a time when game overs are much more inventive than just replaying the same 5 second snippet over again until you get it right.  (I realize that part is more like a little interactive cutscene, but how cool would it be if failing the first one would link you to another opportunity to save her, and then maybe a third, and only then would you fail and have to repeat the first again?  The rest of the game left me expecting at least this level of game design, I think.)

With that said, I thought the fights between the soldiers and the blue men were pretty cool because there was so much going on, the platforming set pieces at the end were great, and Elena getting hurt really felt painful. On that note, I'd say the most remarkable things about the ending belonged to the movie side of the game, and not the gameplay side. There aren't many times I've felt so much sympathy pain for a character even in movies.  The great voice actors really carried things at the end. Also, the ending dialog between Drake and Elena was some of the best in the game, better than most movie scripts, and perfectly suited to the end of a video game with its playful tone.