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twesterm said:

You missed the point of the whole cable ordeal. It isn't the price of the cables but the fact the PS3 is advertised as this wonderful HD machine and the fact they sneaked BluRay in and yet they didn't have the decency to include cables to take advantage of all this stuff. You're right, on a $400+ console $15 isn't that much, but it does say something about the console when it isn't included.


As for Heavenly Sword, once again, a demo is supposed to give you an impression of the final game. With the HS demo, all I got was a boring button masher. It's cool if you like the game and think it's deep, I simply think it's shallow boring garbage. I tried the different combos and all that jazz and I did better just randomly pressing buttons. By the end of the incredibly short demo I was already bored out of my mind; that's really all there is to it for me. I'm sure the SIXAXIS shooting portions were a riot, but that's not the main gameplay hook and they weren't in the demo so I can't very well comment on them (and I'm not going to spend $60 just to test it).

@1st paragraph: I agree, if you're going to push it as HD and include a Blu-ray player, include some cables that let you use HD.  Just a quick question -- are there any other Blu-ray or HD DVD players that come with composite cables?  Just how stupid would that be?  And if people are going to argue that $15-30 isn't much to spend on cables for a $400-500 console, the flipside to that is that a cable that costs $5 to make isn't much to include in the box for a $400-500 console.  If that's where they're trying to save money, they might as well not include cables at all -- after all, it's not that much for you to spend, right? :P

@2nd paragraph: I've played the HS demo twice at kiosks, and I must echo your opinion once again.  It's boring, confusing button mashing.  Since I only own a Wii, I make it a point to try out game demos for the other consoles whenever I'm in a store that has them available.  And yes, demos are supposed to give you an impression of the final game -- why the hell else would they have them?  Thus far, I've played demos of Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm, and Gran Turismo HD, and all of them have been big disappointments.  At least for GTHD, I know that they're spending another full year or more on GT5, and I've seen videos showing drastic improvements -- but the other games are finished.  Demos are supposed to make me want to buy the game and/or console, not make me want to avoid buying it.