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Sqrl said:
I'm actually curious to here a different take on some of this stuff, any of our other PS3 owners/supporters want to chime in? Just curious what the opinion on these features is from some of our pro-sony folks. Not that I don't trust twestern, but usually when you have a negative opinion of something you tend to overlook the positives so I am curious what the flipside is if any.

[different take]

The console itself - My first (launch day) PS3 actually died on me (this was a while ago). The replacement works fine, but I have not played it that much. I only have one game (Resistance). It is quieter than the 360, but the noise level is still absolutely unnacceptable for movies/music (I have mine in a different room thanks to a 25ft HDMI cable, and this solves that problem). The controller is garbage - insensitive analog sticks and frequent (once a playing session) signal drops. The audio capabilities of the unit are very nice though (only 7th gen console to sport multi-channel Linear PCM via HDMI)

The PSN store is fairly awful. It's really slow and has a very clunky interface. It doesn't take me a whole day to download demos though - more like 15-20 mins.

As far as the XMB goes, I like it except for the fact that the settings menu is a mile long. Other than that it works well.

Uncharted is kinda fun - I'll probably get it if they manage to have a campaign of acceptable length.

Motorstorm - I played the demo and it was alright - but after seeing how many tracks were in the full game I decided not to buy it.

Heavenly Sword - meh...the demo is okay, but I won't spend more than $10-20 on such a short game, so I don't have it yet.


[/different take]