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jman8 said:

Maybe because the OP wasn't reasonable. It was basically a long tirade about not having $15 cables included in the box, a poorly timed hint in Uncharted Demo that doesn't indicate anything about the final game, scrolling in the PSN sucks (even though you do not have to scroll at all!) and how a 15 min. demo of Heavenly Sword was just about button mashing. And as a result, he gives the impression that the PS3 is crap based on mostly inconsequential or non-existent issues. The only issue that he mentions that is worrisome is the bit on Heavenly Sword being just a button masher. Problem is, the actual game is quite a bit deeper than that. The combat gets more interesting, the Sixaxis shooting portions were a riot, and the way the story was presented was very impressive and just downright cool.

His review is plain worthless. He doesn't even review a game that he's actually played through. He just talks about demos. How is that a reasonable review of a GAME system?

You missed the point of the whole cable ordeal. It isn't the price of the cables but the fact the PS3 is advertised as this wonderful HD machine and the fact they sneaked BluRay in and yet they didn't have the decency to include cables to take advantage of all this stuff. You're right, on a $400+ console $15 isn't that much, but it does say something about the console when it isn't included.

As for the Uncharted demo, it wasn't just the poorly timed hint, it was several things. A demo is supposed to be like a resume: perfect or as close to perfect as possible. With a glaring problem like the hint, they should have just taken that out, placed it earlier, or even given another level to play through. Also keep in mind that I do like the Uncharted demo and will more than likely get the game eventually so I don't see why you're even bothering to complain.

As for Heavenly Sword, once again, a demo is supposed to give you an impression of the final game. With the HS demo, all I got was a boring button masher. It's cool if you like the game and think it's deep, I simply think it's shallow boring garbage. I tried the different combos and all that jazz and I did better just randomly pressing buttons. By the end of the incredibly short demo I was already bored out of my mind; that's really all there is to it for me. I'm sure the SIXAXIS shooting portions were a riot, but that's not the main gameplay hook and they weren't in the demo so I can't very well comment on them (and I'm not going to spend $60 just to test it).

As for how is this a reasonable review of the game system-- it wasn't really a review, it was more just first impressions. As a game system, it's lacking to me because it doesn't have many games I like. Uncharted seemed promising and, as I said, I'll more than likely get it eventually. I still have some more time to spend with R&C before I form an opinion on that (so far it's not a waste of time at the very least). Also, I want to give Eye of Judgment a whirl since I love me some CCG's.

If you don't like my impressions good for you. If you want to argue, come up with some valid response instead of just bashing my opinions (like SlorgNet did for example).

SlorgNet said:
twesterm said:

So I come back and finally finish the fight. At this point I’m bored out of my mind and give a sigh of boredom when I see three more enemies burst open a door and then something surprised me—the demo ended.

I have also have Ratchet & Clank and I played a little bit of it but not enough that I want to form an opinion on it yet.

I’ve played Resistance and I hate the game so there’s no need to try that.

1. I notice you're rating games and an entire console purely on the basis of the demos you've played. Or more precisely, three demos. That's about as fair as judging a book on its title page.

2. "Resistance" is a fine game, well-designed and with a gripping storyline, but if you don't like FPS games, that's a separate issue.

3. The PSN interface and XMB are fine - fairly easy to navigate, and there are lots of free videos and demos available (DMC, MGS, etc.). You can use R1 and L1 to jump forwards or back, or use the left stick to click on the onscreen buttons. Simple and painless.

4. "Ratchet and Clank" -- the game, not the demo -- is an action-platformer blast, and also very, very funny.

5. If you have an HDTV, rent a BluRay title and check out the visuals. You might be pleasantly surprised.

  1. I am basing it off of the things I've played so far and don't see a huge problem with that. At the time of posting I still had the Folklore demo to play through and R&C to play some more. As for judging a game and system on demos, demos are there to be judged. If they don't do a good job on selling you the game, they fail. Uncharted did a good job, so far the other demos have not.
  2. How many times do I have to say I just don't like Resistance? It's not because of any kind of hate for FPS games (not in love with FPS games but I don't hate them), I just don't like Resistance. I've gone over the reasons why I hate the game in many other threads and don't feel like going over it again as I never planned to in the OP.
  3. Opinion, though I do respect your opinion and hope you would respect mine. I just simply don't like it. I've also played with the winter theme, airport theme, and pixel theme and holy fuck those are terrible. You can't read anything because of the pictures and it's just shitty. I'll play with some user created ones later, but so far, just not in love with it and like the 360 dashboard and Wii menu interface much better (though even have my problems with both of those).
  4. As I said, I didn't have any overwhelming positive or negative feel for the game as I haven't played enough of it yet. So far, it isn't bad and is something I'm going to keep playing.
  5. I have a few on the way, though I don't expect them to be better than HD-DVD (expect them to be the same). My TV only does 720p and 1080i so there shouldn't be a difference (though I could be completely wrong since I'm no expert on this stuff).



<3 Montana for unlocking the topic. Your sticky isn't silly.

And I'll happily admit there is loads of bias in the opening part of my post.  I was pissed at several things and just not happy.  Though as I said before, that part of the post isn't the part that matters, it's the games that matter.  Depsite what people want to think, I have gone at these games with a completely open mind (I was actually excited to play Heavenly Sword since I do like God of War) and have tried to be as unbiased as possible.  With a game like Motorstorm I did compare directly to a Wii game (Excite Truck) but that's just because those games were pretty similar to me and, well, I just wanted to compare the two.  As for the rest, I wasn't give them a -10 points because they are PS3 games.