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Man, let someone who hates the Wii and review the Wii and see if they can survive the onslaught of abuse. Face it, on this site it's ok to put down the ps3, but not the Wii.  Wii fans are like - oh well be nice it's his opinion. Unfortunately, if it was the Wii getting scrutinized then the Sony fan would be flamed and banned somehow?

 If you going to review a console - then do it objectively not in a manner that pulls down the console.  Making a review like this means you have to be ready for criticisms. It doesn't mean you have to love the consol, but you can weight the pros and cons.  This review was a blatant put down, from someone who is known as a ps3 hater. I read all the post that relate to the ps3 and he is there to criticize.  

 Man I hate the thought of the Wii and have tried it and I can acknowledge that it has some fine points as does the 360.  I prefer the ps3. Overall, this site might as well be known as a Wii site, because that is the one console you can have on a pedestal. 

  Unleash The Beast!  

End of 2011 Sales: Wii = 90mil, 360 = 61mil, PS3= 60mil