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It all started out when I was a young patapon who like all patapons, was of a very curious nature. The village elders told us young ones to stay close to home and not to pata pata pata pon too far into the wilderness. As for you see, the wilderness was no place for a child. It was a dangerous and turbulent location where only mighty warriors and heroes treaded.

Most young ones listened, but not me. My friend MikMik and I decided to sneak out and go where only mighty warriors had gone, We were convinced that we could handle anything the wilderness threw at us. We pata pata pata poned out for 3 hours. But we encountered no threat, no danger, no peril. MikMik came to the conclusion that the tales of monsters were all a lie and that we should head back home.

And that's when it happened. Out of some foliage jumped a terrifying monster! It attacked MikMik without due process and the final image I saw before pata pata pata poning for dear life was...


Fuck puple! I'll get you some day... poor MikMik :'(


So, what's your hearbreaking tale?