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I don't think the hype is that much. Nothing major compared to other games. You're free to hype up FF.
How do you think games sell if not for hype and expectations? You can't use that against a game unless it's at Halo or Kz levels.

You and I have differing views on trash talk then. To me that's trash talk. No need to say that even if it's true. How sad and stupid must you be to buy a game or to claim it's teh best thing eva because you was sucked in like a little puppet by the devs pointless claim? It is an attack as it named the console it's not being sold on. Why? Whats the point? Do they think people who own that console will be impressed with that or believe it?
Halo can never run on a PS3... confirmed. Technically and from a technical standpoint its true.

I'm not calling you selective on your 2mil comment you keep repeating but that you call the hype levels insane and have a go at forza fans for hyping a game in forza threads or on the forza website and keep calling them fanboys but I doubt you do for a similar game that shall not be named? You think the levels are insane? Was you here for MGS or Killzone? or what ever game was going to kill the 360?
That's insane levels of hype and fanboyism. That's why I call you selective. I might be wrong but I doubt you'd have so much of a problem then.

Also constantly telling us you predicted 2mil doesn't mean you're being unbiased. It's very likely it will sell that so you're just being astute with your prediction..

Maybe I'm wrong about you but you do seem a bit anti forza and 360 to me.


Also, yeah. I do have a habit of editing right after I post. You ever have that thing where someone says something to you and after they've gone you think "I should've said this?"

Well that's me with forum post. I try and do it before the person it's aimed at responds but I'm not always successful. If you're reading this for the first time and it's in the message then at least I managed it this time.