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SlorgNet said:
twesterm said:

So I come back and finally finish the fight. At this point I’m bored out of my mind and give a sigh of boredom when I see three more enemies burst open a door and then something surprised me—the demo ended.

I have also have Ratchet & Clank and I played a little bit of it but not enough that I want to form an opinion on it yet.

I’ve played Resistance and I hate the game so there’s no need to try that.

1. I notice you're rating games and an entire console purely on the basis of the demos you've played. Or more precisely, three demos. That's about as fair as judging a book on its title page.

2. "Resistance" is a fine game, well-designed and with a gripping storyline, but if you don't like FPS games, that's a separate issue.

3. The PSN interface and XMB are fine - fairly easy to navigate, and there are lots of free videos and demos available (DMC, MGS, etc.). You can use R1 and L1 to jump forwards or back, or use the left stick to click on the onscreen buttons. Simple and painless.

4. "Ratchet and Clank" -- the game, not the demo -- is an action-platformer blast, and also very, very funny.

5. If you have an HDTV, rent a BluRay title and check out the visuals. You might be pleasantly surprised.

 Woah not a random fanboy raving? Its a miracle!

Good on you for making a constructive post which actually has coherant points in it.

@Montana. Nice to see some quality modding going on, as a mod you actually aren't meant to flamebait you know.