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Carl2291 said:
Lord Flashheart said:
Carl2291 said:
Dark Chaos said:
Carl2291 said:

Or maybe it has something to do with the insane hype from Turn 10 and fans why these threads get made.

Or maybe even the trash talk from Turn 10 and fans why these threads get made.

Or maybe even because in recent threads people have been predicting 6-7 Million sales for it.

Which fans?? One or two or hundreds?? Stop making stuff up. So just because Uncharted has got massive hype should it sell 6-7 million to not be a flop. Take out you fanboy goggles.

How many fans trash talk? And ofcourse Turn 10 will trash talk. Look the games getting alot of attention and it seems to be working.

Again stop quoting 2-3 fanboys for the whole population. Your trolling has to stop. 

2-3 fans are hyping up Forza? lol... Get a grip. Go visit the Forza thread, or go visit the Forza forums.

And no, it shouldn't... Because nobody predicted that it should. A LOT of people predicted Forza 3 would sell 6-7 Million, and that's just on this site. Read this thread and you will see another thread i linked to with a bunch of them.

Oh yeah, explain how that post was trolling please.

@ Red- Bungie don't trash talk. Naughty Dog don't. Polyphony Digital don't. Lionhead don't. Etc...

Forza fans hyping a game in forza threads is different to GT fans hyping GT in a forza thread, or 'the list' being used everywhere they can squeeze it into. If you want to use an old argument against PS fanboys against xbox fans you'll have to pick a time that better suits it.

You're in a forza thread, if you don't like forza fans hyping it don't be here. It all makes sense as the lightning seeds once said.

Maybe Forza will reach 6mil. Xbox owners do buy games in huge quantities. I also doubt that no-one has predicited U2 will sell 6mil. Of course you must be in every U2 thread telling them not to hype the game right?

You are right about other devs not talking trash.

Oh apart from the one that said it couldn't be done on the xbox.

Oh and the other one who said that.
(Uncharted devs and Heavy rain devs)

I almost forgot the "only possible on PS3" comments from sucker punch
Oh and Guerrilla games.

Turn 10 have run their mouths off but the weren't the first, or second etc so don't pretend they are the only ones and xbox fans have a long way to go before they match PS fans for overhyping games. It's your selective vision and where you chose to use it that could have some people think you're trolling.

Who said anything about it happening in Forza/Gt threads? Im talking about general overall hyping.

And as for this thread... Who said anything about hyping it in this thread? I myself predicted sales and even said 2 Million wont be a flop.

Maybe it can reach those sales... But it's extremely unlikely. And i used it as a reasoning of why Serious could think 2 Million will be a flop...

@Red- That's not trash talking, it's being honest. The games were built from the ground up on PS3 hardware using PS3's main capabilities (Cell + Blu-ray) They are not technically possible on another console. This is an example of trash talking... Or even this.

Oh, and nothing i said (which he accused of trolling) had anything to do with selective vision. It says in the OP "by fanboy expectations", so i was right in what i said. The OP is talking about sales being poor compared to the hype the game is recieving from Turn 10, fans and fanboys.

By the way, why did you bring Gran Turismo into the little arguement?

So you didn't say "2-3 fans are hyping up Forza? lol... Get a grip. Go visit the Forza thread, or go visit the Forza forums."


"Or maybe it has something to do with the insane hype from Turn 10 and fans why these threads get made." Or Gamelover2000 on the first page or you

Carl2291 said:
Serious_frusting said:
Sardauk said:
That is so nice of PS3 fanboys to worry about FM3....

erm no i dont worry about its sales. I just make random predictions about everything. It just so happens that it is Forza 3 that i put under the knife. And i have not been wrong yet so. yh i'm the biggest fanboy around.


Meh. Just because someone doesnt go with popular opinion and agree with everyone elses non educated gueses they are auto a fanboy. Bah ban. sheep comes to mind. All following the leader.

I agree.

It is the next big game releasing, and it is getting hyped up to high heaven by Turn 10 and Selnor. People should expect predictions both bad and good.

Btw, just report him if he calls you a fanboy. It's classed as flaming.

Followed by ramses01 and so on and so on

As for the sales you said that "A LOT of people predicted Forza 3 would sell 6-7 Million" (proof please) against peoples predictions not saying "Maybe it can reach those sales" when it happened but as your proof of too much hype here. If someone predicts it then that's their prerogative as Bobby Brown once said.

Whether direct or indirect what those devs said was an attack on a rival machine and therefore is trash talk. Or why would they need to say that if all they are doing is promoting a game which has nothing to do with a rival console? They were being honest on a technicality. If bungie had said Halo1 was only possible on the 360 it would be true on the same technicality, doesn't mean it can't be made on a PS3.

I was talking about everything you said in he quotes and said it could come across as trolling which I am starting to believe to be true. If you really think the hype is insane for Forza and its fans, even those who predict 6-7mil (which doesn't make it a bad or biased fanboy prediction but a bold one) Then what about KZ2? That according to the rules that the OP has laid down was a flop. You are being selective.

I mentioned GT, but will admit I shouldn't have because I didn't want the bother of going through the whole KZ2 crap. Should have stuck to KZ2. Or resistance 2. or Uncaharted 2.