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Sqrl said:
Come on folks, don't you see what is going on here? Very few of you have actually offered constructive responses to the OP. Most of this is people whining that someone didn't like the console. Not everyone will like it. not everyone has to like it, and there should be positive points that each person overlooks the same as there will be negative points that some people over look.

You can sit there and bitch that he hated the console and was never going to like it, but if we assume that is true then you should easily be able to point out the strengths in the things he is "insulting".

Thats why I asked for the opposite view point from folks who like/love their PS3, because I figured there had to be a flip side to this but nobody has really taken the time to explain it and instead most of you make broad complaints.

It's simple: Step up to the plate and make your points or stop complaining.
