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Also, for next season (if we are all still here and doing this next season), I would like to get some feedback on an idea to help make the league a bit more competitive by helping out some folks who have missed weeks or have started late.  The idea is to prevent folks from becoming discouraged after a missed week as well as encourage those who might be turned off by starting a week late.

The idea is simple, in a week in which you did not pick a single game you can choose to use a once per season "Go with League" option to use collective picks of the league as your picks for the week with some limitations. You would get a win only when 2/3rds of the league thought a given team was going to win (and then they did). Additionally you could not gain more points from that week than the person who came in last for the week (among those who submitted picks for the early games).

I'm very open to feedback on this. If you guys hate it we can scrap it completely, or if you think it is a fantastic idea we could expand it to 2-per season. Any/All suggestions/comments on this are welcome.

To Each Man, Responsibility