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twesterm said:
ssj12 said:
Packaging: ? Why are you even reviewing this... I have yet to have a video game system Atari to the Wii that packaged the console, controller, extras, and cables that made 100% sense. There really wasnt worth reviewing honestly.

I mainly mentioned that because I'm still angry that it didn't come with proper cables. Sure, it's like $20-30 for the cables but that's beside the point. The PS3 is advertised everywhere as the uber gaming machine that will bring people into the HD world yet they only give you the standard cables.

PSN Store: Your only looking at 1 part of the PSN and yet your knocking the whole darn thing. Add some people to your friends list. My PSN is schnacky add me. The store is still not even a year old and they improved the overall search for demos/content that you might have missed. I went through and saw they broke things down even more. It will improve Xbox Live on the original Xbox sucked major the first 2 years it was out. Also download flOw and Calling All Cars for crying out loud.

All I can comment is on the PSN as I've seen it. So far, I just don't like how it's organized. As I play with it I might like it more but as it stands right now I just don't like how it works.

XMB (Cross-media bar): This I dont see how your knocking at all. Its the cleanest menu system for all 3 console and pretty easy to learn. Honestly it took me 20 minutes to figure out how to use the Dashboard for the 360 and another 15 to figure out how to get rid of it in-game. The Wii, the easiest of them all just isnt nice to look at. Boring white with blocks for each object/channel. For ease of use the Wii wins for cleanliness the XMB wins for me.

I do like how it's very clean but some of the tabs have almost nothing and then ones like the system tab have a crapload of options and each of those have more. Also, just the navigation of those just kind of bothers me, once again, personal preference.

The real meat and potatoes of my post was the games part anyways. The above complaints don't matter a lot in the grand schemes of things, it should be the games that make a game console shine (note-- I don't care if you call the PS3 a media center).

And looking forward to Folklore.

Why should they include HDMI or Composite cables when 70% of NA doesn't own an HDTV? And that number is much higher in the EU. Unless they included two sets of cables, 70% of the population wouldn't be able to hook up the system.

Hell, even standalone HD DVD and Blu-Ray players don't come with component or HDMI in the box. The Toshiba A2's only come with RCA cables.