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Sqrl said:
I'm actually curious to here a different take on some of this stuff, any of our other PS3 owners/supporters want to chime in? Just curious what the opinion on these features is from some of our pro-sony folks. Not that I don't trust twestern, but usually when you have a negative opinion of something you tend to overlook the positives so I am curious what the flipside is if any.

No offense taken. Like I said, I was pretty angry at all packaging stuff but I've gone at the games with an open mind.

Here's a quick rundown of the games if people don't want to read the large block of text above.

Heavenly Sword 

  • Is as short as people made it out to be. 
  • Very much a button masher 
  • By the end of the short demo I was bored out of my mind. 
  • Had specific moves and combos but it was easier to just randomly press buttons 
  • It was such a button masher that you actually felt very removed from the game. Nariko would randomly do a special kill and you have no idea why she does it, it just feels like the game does it when it feels like. TAKING CONTROL AWAY OR MAKING THE PLAYER FEEL LIKE THEY AREN’T IN CONTROL IS A BAD THING. 
  • I did mention the SIXAXIS and arrow confusion but that’s just me being an idiot. I thought the arrow pointing to the right meant move the controller to the right when it meant just press right. I think a better symbol might make that a little more clear, but that wasn’t something I counted as a negative. 
  • The game was great looking.


  • I didn’t player a lot of this game, mainly just enough to get a feel for the controls and the game. 
  • I don’t like this game nearly as much as I like Excite Truck. Excite Truck is just more fun to me. 
  • I’m not a huge racing game fan.


  • The game is beautiful 
  • Gun gameplay is pretty good. I really liked being able to switch shoulders on the aiming. 
  • The jumping and the platforming was very well done. 
  • I liked their hint system. 
  • I didn’t like their cover system. It just didn’t feel very good and I think Gears really did a much better job. 
  • I hated the button layout. They really needed fire to be on the actual triggers and not the button above the triggers. I don’t know how many times I pressed the reload button (R2- trigger) instead of the fire button (R1). 
  • I didn’t like melee. If I wasn’t getting shot at from places I couldn’t see it might be more fun but I just didn’t like it. 
  • I really didn’t like the SIXAXIS grenade controls.  It really just didn’t work well for me.
  • The SIXAXIS controls for walking across logs was just silly.  I had to wave the controller about wildly to actually fall off the log.
  • I couldn't always see where enemies were coming from. 
  • The game gives you message on screen and enemies immediately fire at you when the message pops up. You can either read the message or not get shot. That sucks.

Ratchet & Clank 

  • Haven’t played enough to get a good feel. 
  • It’s fun but nothing amazing—yet.