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I enjoyed the ending, thought it was great. When Elena was hurt, you really saw Drake's caring side and how much he cared about her, at one point it seemed like he wanted to cry. I thought that she was going to die and he was going to give her a little piece of the resin, but good thing that didn't happen. Which is why I liked that he picked Elena instead of Chloe, to me it seemed like his relationship with Chloe was purely physical, no emotional connection at all (which is why he was able to walk away before). Also, opposite's attract and Elena is a complete opposite of Drake which is why he loves her. Also, the last dialogue between the two was classic, it really left a smile on my face for a while.

Gameplay wise, I didn't really like the fact that they went to the whole supernatural being again, but good thing that it wasn't for as long as in U:DF. The last boss was annoying as hell, he was kinda hard too. Besides that, it was great. The running away while the floor falls under you, and the part when you gotta shoot the guardian off Chloe while sliding down was awesome. All in all, I don't know why ppl are complaining.