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Sorry, I know there's a million threads about this game, but I just finished it and I want to discuss!

Anyone else kind of feel that the game kind of lost steam after the battle with the tank?

The last few chapters are by far the weakest of the entire game, imo. What the hell happened to all the awesome set pieces, the cutscenes that put most movies to shame and the funny dialog? When you first set foot in Shambahla it is absolutely jaw dropping. The most impressive thing I've seen in a game ever. You think you're in for something amazing, but it turns out to be just shooting waves of annoying enemies and a lame boss fight. The guardian things look ridiculous. They feel even more out of place than the zombies in the first game.

It really left a bitter taste in my mouth because everything leading up to the finale was just impossibly good, but the rest of it feels like something out of Drake's Fortune.

Don't get me wrong, it's still the best game of the year by far, but I dunno... :/

Your thoughts?