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@finalsquall & W29,

Considering the accusations towards Soriku of trolling, why are you two trolling him with your latest posts? Off topic and inflammatory posts are most certainly trolling, at least soriku was on topic. If you have a problem with Soriku's posts please just report him, teasing and mocking him isn't going to help the situation.


I'm glad to see him mention they are willing to bring BC back, but I hope he understands that full BC is what is needed, I would hate to see them only put partial BC back into a model because I probably won't be buying that.

But anyways, the most important aspect of this for me is that they are acknowledging the situation. I personally think they have been aware of it from the time they decided to discontinue the 60GB and the whole thing was a ploy to move units but I am pretty sure this is the first time we have had outward assurances that they are watching the situation and considering a return of BC.

To Each Man, Responsibility